Saturday 28 March 2015

Day 3

A slightly more successful day today! I got up early and took my dog over to some nearby fields for a run, and then came back and had a good breakfast of fresh pineapple, a hot cross bun, and a mug of peppermint tea. So far so good!

Then lunch was a sandwich (white bread = not so good) but I had a glass of juice and a glass of water.

Then I met up with a friend from school which was lovely - I went for a peppermint tea and a smoothie, so lots of liquid, and the fact I walked 20 minutes there and back at a brisk pace, should only have benefits, no negative effects from what was a lovely afternoon catch up!!

Dinner was good today, sweet and sour pork (homemade) with rice and salad, with 2 tsp linseed mixed in. Had a cheeky mini roll afterwards, and an alpro soya chocolate pudding later in the evening, which are the only negatives from today.

No bowel movements (sorry if this is too much detail), but I'm hopeful for the next few days! We shall wait and see, fingers crossed!

Louisa :)

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