Monday 5 January 2015

Update - and a bit about bathrooms

Sorry I've been away for so long, but thought I would write a bit about how it's been this term at university with my IBS.

I'm in my second year now so I've got used to the communal bathrooms but the added challenge this year is we got to choose our rooms so I'm living with my friends, who have no idea what my IBS really entails and so it could potentially be far more embarrassing if anything was to go wrong!

I'm lucky, though, in that I can still use any of the other bathrooms in the college, so sometimes I've been walking further when I know my IBS is particularly bad and I know I'm gonna need to be in there a while! That way it's much more anonymous which suits me far more. I know some people are happiest in their own bathroom, and that's how I feel about my one at home with my family, but when I'm at university or on holiday somewhere I often find that really big bathrooms with lots and lots of different cubicles are good because again you can be anonymous. No-one knows where any smell or sounds come from and there is less likely to be a queue (so the person going in after you is less likely to know who you were). Service stations and airports are particularly good for this.

I then find the other extreme is good for IBS sufferers too: when there is a completely empty bathroom. I often find myself waiting until weird times of night to try and empty my bowels at university, simply to know I get the bathroom to myself.

So it hasn't been too bad this term, and my friends are still none the wiser. Of course, it all becomes much more complicated if I decide to ever share a house with them, but we shall cross that bridge when we come to it!

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