Thursday 26 March 2015

Day 1

So here's how things went on the first day of my 7 days of sticking to the rules! It's definitely hard to make sure I eat the right things (such as I was supposed to have bran flakes for breakfast but really couldn't stomach it this morning), but onwards and upwards!

Ginger tea (It was supposed to be peppermint, but I woke up feeling particularly nauseous).
Wholemeal toast with goat's butter.

2 glasses of water
3 chocolate biscuits (told you they are my weakness!).

Pork and kale soup with 3 tsp linseed mixed in.
2 glasses of water
Glass of orange juice

Chewed gum on my way to work this afternoon.

Ravioli (probably not the best...) in a tomato sauce with a full green salad.
Glass of water.

I have also drunk 3 mugs of peppermint tea today (although I do drink it very weak!).

In terms of exercise, I took my dog for a half hour run/walk in the local fields, and had a very brisk 15 minute walk to work (when I walk I make the most of it and do tend to almost speed-walk).

So overall, not a great start: I remembered the linseed and have done some exercise, but not enough, and I'm still perhaps eating too many white carbs in the biscuits and pasta. It's harder than I thought to follow all the rules, and it's no wonder perhaps that they often don't seem to have enough of an effect. Hopefully tomorrow and over the weekend things will improve, I shall keep at it!!

Louisa :) xx

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