Wednesday 25 March 2015

My plan for the next 7 days

So it's all very well posting all of my hints and tips below, but it's hard to actually remember to follow them all, especially living as a student. But I'm home now for the Easter vacation and so I'm going to try and have a whole week actually sticking to all of the rules, and see if culmitavely they have more of an effect that just sticking to the odd rule or two when I remember. So I'm going to do as much as I can to follow my plan, and I'll post every day letting you know how I'm getting on, whether I've been able to stick to it, and any effects that it is having.

I think the hardest one for me is going to be to reduce the amount of sugar I eat - I have a really sweet tooth and biscuits in particular are my weakness!! It's easy at uni because I tend not to buy them but they are always in the cupboard at home, so it's going to take willpower to simply ignore them when they are there!

So, here are the rules I am going to try and stick to for the next 7 days:

  • Have 2 tsp of linseed mixed into my food every day.
  • Do an hour of exercise every day.
  • Have 3 pieces of fruit every day.
  • Make sure I have my 5 a day every day.
  • Really reduce the amount of processed sugar I eat (i.e. sugar from biscuits/cakes as opposed to fruit).
  • Have bran flakes for breakfast rather than toast.
  • Drink peppermint tea several times a day (although I do this already).
  • Avoid anything with cow's dairy in (this tends to be a trigger food for me).
  • Chew gum once a day.
  • Drink a lot more water (at least 6 cups a day).
  • Make a conscious effort to work my bowel muscles every day by at least trying for a bowel movement (I don't get any natural urges to have one ever).
On top of this, I'm going to avoid taking any medication. I'm not taking any regularly anyway at the moment because my heart palpatations have been returning with the movicol.  

So...that's the plan, we shall see how it goes!

Louisa :)

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