Thursday 11 September 2014

A bit about me and about my blog


I'm Louisa and I'm 20 years old, and I have suffered from severe constipation for as long as I can remember, but was only finally diagnosed with IBS-C last year. To be honest, for me, the diagnosis didn't really change much because I'd always been treated for chronic constipation, but having a name to put to the illness is beneficial in that it means it is less embarrassing to describe to people what is wrong with me. However, having just finished my first year at university, I still find it hard to tell people what is wrong with me... I don't want people to laugh, and I can't help but feel that people don't realise how much it effects my daily life, and how serious it is (I know my brothers certainly don't - but that's brothers for you!).

The aim of this blog is to discuss issues with IBS bluntly, with no need to be politically-correct or politely spoken. Poo will be referred to as poo. To call it anything else is honestly far too scientific for me and distracts from the whole down-to-earth feel I want this blog to have.
This will hopefully also be the place where I can share my own stories and experiences with you - things I've found that have and haven't helped (although everyone of course is individual).

My friends don't know about my IBS so this will also be a place for me to ramble on about how I'm finding it - even if I'm the only reader! I think there needs to be more awareness for IBS and more support for sufferers of it. I told my college nurse I had IBS-C and she said 'that must mean you get a bit of a tummy ache sometimes.' I mean, yes, I DO get stomach aches, but there are also so many other symptoms that people may simply not realise come with being chronically constipated (lethargy, sweating lots, dry mouth, halitosis, dehydration, bloating etc....).

So that's it from me as an introduction, and I will try and post more as soon as I can!

Louisa x

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