Tuesday 16 September 2014

My wonder foods!!

So, having done a post about avoiding some foods, here is a post about things to add into your diet, and my opinion on how they've helped my constipation:

Linseed/Flaxseed: (they are just two different names for he same thing). I was recommended this by a homeopath, but having done some online research, it's quite a common suggestion for getting a more regular bowel movement. I aim to have about a tablespoon a day, and soak them in hot water first (so they go sort of slimy) and then add them to foods where I'm less likely notice that they're there (such as in rice or mashed potato). Alternatively you can sprinkle them over muesli. I don't have any concrete evidence for just how effective they are, but there definitely can't be a downside to eating more seeds, and anything that's healthy is good! :)

Peppermint- apparently peppermint is really good for getting things moving, with peppermint oil or capsules being quite a common recommendation online for constipation. I take mine in the from of peppermint tea which I have every morning. I find herbal teas good in general, they often stimulate a bowel movement, even if it's just green tea. I have no idea why and it doesn't happen every time but maybe it's something to do with the hot water, especially as I don't have my tea too strong. Anyway, there's no evidence, but I just thought I'd let you all know. ;)

Ginger tea- this is my absolute go-to if I'm having one of those weeks where my IBS is so bad that I feel constantly nauseas and can't eat a thing (the experience which I'll describe more in another post). It's an absolutely miserable experience but ginger is great for settling the stomach, and I find I can slowly sip the tea and t often means I can nibble at some dinner in the evening. I make sure I always have an emergency stash in my cupboard now!!

Fibre- this is perhaps an obvious one for anyone suffering from constipation but it's still worth a mention. Choosing wholemeal bread/pasta etc and eating plenty of fruit and veg can really make a difference. When I was in Spain on holiday, the hotel buffet breakfast actually had a special dietary section and among the low fat foods I actually found some fibre wafers! They were so good and tasted so nice! I've yet to find an English equivalent although have heard  rumours of fibre biscuits in my local health food shop so will have to go and investigate! Another great over source is bran flakes, which is my favourite cereal. Having them every day only helps things going (I try and have them instead of toast).

Prunes and prune juice- as much as I dislike both the texture and the taste, prunes are supposed to be extra great for constipation. I used to have a small glass of prune juice every morning, and it's definitely a habit I should try and get back into.

That's all I can think of for now but would love to hear of any more things that work for people!

Louisa xx

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