Tuesday 16 September 2014

Is it worth cutting out certain foods?

Is it worth cutting out certain foods to help get rid of the IBS symptoms?

When I was really young, doctors diagnosed me with a dairy allergy, and so when I was about 3 dairy was cut out of my diet. However, this only lasted a year or so and apparently I 'grew out of it' so was able to go back on dairy for the text of my childhood.

So what happened next is that when I was about 12, my mum took me
To a homeopathic surgery for a good intolerance test (using a VEGA machine), and this flagged up that I should avoid cows dairy (but was ok to have goats milk). So I have always tried to avoid dairy as much as possible (although not completely, I do like the occasional ice-cream) especially as I've read online that several people do find that dairy aggregates their IBS. I'm not sure though whether it actually made a difference, as I was still very constipated. I think perhaps any improvements just came from the fact that I was no older and could manage my condition much better.

Given how I'm still not too great though, mum took me back last week, and this time I've been told to have a whole month without dairy (any), yeast, wheat and sugar(including fruit!). I am aware I eat too much sugar as I have quite a sweet tooth, and have heard that sugar can again aggregate IBS so it's been good so far in that it made me aware of how much sugar I do eat, but I'm not sure going cold turkey is the answer, especially as not having any fruit can't be helping! My IBS has been much worse this week than it is usually.

I know there are lots of sceptics to the homeopathic approach, and I may be one of them (especially as everyone seems to come out needing to cut lots of foods out and I'm not allowed fruit but they let me have tomatoes still....) but in all honesty I'm willing to give it a go, especially as it's only for a month.

I know there are certain foods that are good to ADD to your diet for IBS (but that's for another post!), but I'm still undecided as to whether certain foods should also be cut out. Let me know what you think!

Louisa xx

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